Job Seekers

Job Seekers

Prepare yourself to ace that job interview.

Preparing for a job interview is very important. You must feel in control,
and appear calm, cool, and collected to your prospective employers.
These qualities are always looked for in the perfect candidate.


We guide you through the various steps necessary in preparation for the interview day. This includes organizing material, learning how to effectively communicate, and practicing interview questions.

Interview Preparation


The purpose of our workshops or individual sessions is to identify your strengths, organize yourself, and project with confidence during the job interview.


These are dynamic sessions designed to give you the opportunity to organize yourself and practice for your interview.


The objectives of this workshop are to help you:

  • Identify your personal traits to become aware of your strengths and blind spots
  • Handle interview questions
  • Communicate better during an interview by recognizing personality types
  • Organize yourself for the interview
  • Increase self confidence

Prior to the workshop or individual session, job seekers will have taken the online MBTI assessment.

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