Veterans in Transition
Often veterans in transition must rediscover their new life mission and adjust to meet the present demands of our changing society and job market. We are here to help.
The OnTrac team offers individual consultations that provide analysis and interpretation of results from scientifically based assessments, which render a rich source of information.
These results reveal your unique personality traits that can be applied to enhance communication, understand different personalities, as well as expand the job search base.
By utilizing these assessment results and work experience, we identify those occupations that best fit specific interests, preferences, skills, strengths, and lifestyles.
Learn how to apply new traits, values, and skills emerging from military service to personal life and the job market.
Our guidance is designed to create self-knowledge and awareness that influence veterans on how they view themselves, represent themselves, and direct themselves on a personal and professional level.
- Increase self-awareness and self-perception
- Learn how to use personality differences constructively
- Better prepare for decision making
- Broaden job possibilities beyond acquired skills from military duty
Prior to the initial consultative session, the veteran will have taken the online Strong Interest Inventory assessment.